// Copyright (C) 2006  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include "../pixel.h"
#include "thresholding_abstract.h"
#include "../image_processing/generic_image.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type,
        typename out_image_type,
        long M,
        long N
    void binary_dilation (
        const in_image_type& in_img,
        out_image_type& out_img,
        const unsigned char (&structuring_element)[M][N]
            - in_image_type and out_image_type are image objects that implement the
              interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - both in_img and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - is_same_object(in_img,out_img) == false
            - M % 2 == 1  (i.e. M must be odd)
            - N % 2 == 1  (i.e. N must be odd)
            - all pixels in in_img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - all pixels in structuring_element are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - Does a binary dilation of in_img using the given structuring element and 
              stores the result in out_img.
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type,
        typename out_image_type,
        long M,
        long N
    void binary_erosion (
        const in_image_type& in_img,
        out_image_type& out_img,
        const unsigned char (&structuring_element)[M][N]
            - in_image_type and out_image_type are image objects that implement the
              interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - both in_img and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - is_same_object(in_img,out_img) == false
            - M % 2 == 1  (i.e. M must be odd)
            - N % 2 == 1  (i.e. N must be odd)
            - all pixels in in_img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - all pixels in structuring_element are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - Does a binary erosion of in_img using the given structuring element and 
              stores the result in out_img.
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type,
        typename out_image_type,
        long M,
        long N
    void binary_open (
        const in_image_type& in_img,
        out_image_type& out_img,
        const unsigned char (&structuring_element)[M][N],
        const unsigned long iter = 1
            - in_image_type and out_image_type are image objects that implement the
              interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - both in_img and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - is_same_object(in_img,out_img) == false
            - M % 2 == 1  (i.e. M must be odd)
            - N % 2 == 1  (i.e. N must be odd)
            - all pixels in in_img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - all pixels in structuring_element are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - Does a binary open of in_img using the given structuring element and 
              stores the result in out_img.  Specifically, iter iterations of binary 
              erosion are applied and then iter iterations of binary dilation.
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type,
        typename out_image_type,
        long M,
        long N
    void binary_close (
        const in_image_type& in_img,
        out_image_type& out_img,
        const unsigned char (&structuring_element)[M][N],
        const unsigned long iter = 1
            - in_image_type and out_image_type are image objects that implement the
              interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - both in_img and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - is_same_object(in_img,out_img) == false
            - M % 2 == 1  (i.e. M must be odd)
            - N % 2 == 1  (i.e. N must be odd)
            - all pixels in in_img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - all pixels in structuring_element are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - Does a binary close of in_img using the given structuring element and 
              stores the result in out_img.  Specifically, iter iterations of binary 
              dilation are applied and then iter iterations of binary erosion.
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type1,
        typename in_image_type2,
        typename out_image_type
    void binary_intersection (
        const in_image_type1& in_img1,
        const in_image_type2& in_img2,
        out_image_type& out_img
            - in_image_type1, in_image_type2, and out_image_type are image objects that
              implement the interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img1 and in_img2 must contain grayscale pixel types.
            - in_img1, in_img2, and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - all pixels in in_img1 and in_img2 are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. they must be binary images)
            - in_img1.nc() == in_img2.nc()
            - in_img1.nr() == in_img2.nr()
            - #out_img == the binary intersection of in_img1 and in_img2.  (i.e. All
              the pixels that are set to on_pixel in both in_img1 and in_img2 will be set
              to on_pixel in #out_img.  All other pixels will be set to off_pixel)
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type1,
        typename in_image_type2,
        typename out_image_type
    void binary_union (
        const in_image_type1& in_img1,
        const in_image_type2& in_img2,
        out_image_type& out_img
            - in_image_type1, in_image_type2, and out_image_type are image objects that
              implement the interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img1 and in_img2 must contain grayscale pixel types.
            - in_img1, in_img2, and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - all pixels in in_img1 and in_img2 are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. they must be binary images)
            - in_img1.nc() == in_img2.nc()
            - in_img1.nr() == in_img2.nr()
            - #out_img == the binary union of in_img1 and in_img2.  (i.e. All
              the pixels that are set to on_pixel in in_img1 and/or in_img2 will be set
              to on_pixel in #out_img.  All other pixels will be set to off_pixel)
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type1,
        typename in_image_type2,
        typename out_image_type
    void binary_difference (
        const in_image_type1& in_img1,
        const in_image_type2& in_img2,
        out_image_type& out_img
            - in_image_type1, in_image_type2, and out_image_type are image objects that
              implement the interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img1 and in_img2 must contain grayscale pixel types.
            - in_img1, in_img2, and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - all pixels in in_img1 and in_img2 are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. they must be binary images)
            - in_img1.nc() == in_img2.nc()
            - in_img1.nr() == in_img2.nr()
            - #out_img == the binary difference of in_img1 and in_img2.  (i.e. #out_img
              will be a copy of in_img1 except that any pixels in in_img2 that are set to 
              on_pixel will be set to off_pixel)
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename in_image_type,
        typename out_image_type
    void binary_complement (
        const in_image_type& in_img,
        out_image_type& out_img
            - in_image_type and out_image_type are image objects that implement the
              interface defined in dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h 
            - in_img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - both in_img and out_img must contain pixels with no alpha channel.
              (i.e. pixel_traits::has_alpha==false for their pixels)
            - all pixels in in_img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - #out_img == the binary complement of in_img.  (i.e. For each pixel in
              in_img, if it is on_pixel then it will be set to off_pixel in #out_img and
              if it was off_pixel in in_img then it will be on_pixel in #out_img)
            - #out_img.nc() == in_img.nc()
            - #out_img.nr() == in_img.nr()

    template <
        typename image_type
    void binary_complement (
        image_type& img
            - it must be valid to call binary_complement(img,img);
            - calls binary_complement(img,img);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename image_type
    void skeleton(
        image_type& img
            - image_type is an object that implement the interface defined in
            - img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - all pixels in img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel.
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - This function computes the skeletonization of img and stores the result in
              #img.  That is, given a binary image, we progressively thin the binary blobs
              (composed of on_pixel values) until only a single pixel wide skeleton of the
              original blobs remains.
            - #img.nc() == img.nc()
            - #img.nr() == img.nr()

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename image_type
    unsigned char encode_8_pixel_neighbors (
        const const_image_view<image_type>& img,
        const point& p
            - image_type is an object that implement the interface defined in
            - img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - all pixels in img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel.
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - get_rect(img).contains(p) == true
            - This routine looks at the 8 pixels immediately surrounding the pixel
              img[p.y()][p.x()] and encodes their on/off pattern into the bits of an
              unsigned char and returns it.  To be specific, the neighbors are read
              clockwise starting from the upper left and written to the unsigned char
              starting with the high order bits.  Therefore, the mapping between
              neighboring pixels to bits is:
                 7 6 5
                 0   4
                 1 2 3
              Where 0 refers to the lowest order bit in the unsigned char and 7 to the
              highest order bit.  Finally, a bit in the unsigned char is 1 if and only if
              the corresponding pixel is on_pixel.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename image_type
    std::vector<point> find_line_endpoints (
        const image_type& img
            - image_type is an object that implements the interface defined in
            - img must contain a grayscale pixel type.
            - all pixels in img are set to either on_pixel or off_pixel.
              (i.e. it must be a binary image)
            - This routine finds endpoints of lines in a thinned binary image.  For
              example, if the image was produced by skeleton() or something like a Canny
              edge detector then you can use find_line_endpoints() to find the pixels
              sitting on the ends of lines.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
