// Copyright (C) 2004  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
#ifndef DLIB_LZ77_BUFFER_KERNEl_2_
#define DLIB_LZ77_BUFFER_KERNEl_2_

#include "lz77_buffer_kernel_abstract.h"
#include "../algs.h"

namespace dlib

    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    class lz77_buffer_kernel_2 
            REQUIREMENTS ON sliding_buffer
                sliding_buffer must be an implementation of sliding_buffer/sliding_buffer_kernel_abstract.h
                and must be instantiated to contain unsigned char data

            INITIAL VALUE
                history_limit == defined by constructor arguments
                lookahead_limit == defined by constructor arguments
                history_size == 0
                lookahead_size == 0
                buffer.size() == history_limit + lookahead_limit
                buffer[i] == 0 for all valid i

                nodes == an array of history_limit-3 nodes
                id_table == an array of buffer.size() pointers
                hash_table == an array of buffer.size() pointers and all are set to 0
                mask == buffer.size() - 1
                next_free_node == 0

                history_limit == get_history_buffer_limit()
                lookahead_limit == get_lookahead_buffer_limit()
                history_size == get_history_buffer_size()
                lookahead_limit == get_lookahead_buffer_size()
                buffer.size() == history_limit + lookahead_limit

                lookahead_buffer(i) == buffer[lookahead_limit-1-i]
                history_buffer(i) == buffer[lookahead_limit+i]

                hash_table[hash(a,b,c,d)] points to the head of a linked list.
                    Each node in this linked list tells the location in the buffer
                    of a string that begins with abcd or a string who's first four
                    letters have the same hash.  The linked list is terminated by a
                    node with a null next pointer.

                hash_table[i] == 0 if there is no linked list for this element of the hash

                each node in the hash table is allocated from the array nodes.
                When adding a node to hash_table:
                    if (if all nodes aren't already in the hash_table) then
                        the next node to use is nodes[next_free_node].                
                        recycle nodes from the hash_table itself.  This works because
                        when we add new nodes we also have to remove nodes.

                if (there is a node defined with an id of i) then
                    if (id_table[i] != 0) then
                        id_table[i]->next->id == i
                        hash_table[some_hash]->id == i


        lz77_buffer_kernel_2 (
            unsigned long total_limit_,
            unsigned long lookahead_limit_  

        virtual ~lz77_buffer_kernel_2 (

        void clear(

        void add (
            unsigned char symbol

        void find_match (
            unsigned long& index,
            unsigned long& length,
            unsigned long min_match_length

        inline unsigned long get_history_buffer_limit (
        ) const { return history_limit; }

        inline unsigned long get_lookahead_buffer_limit (
        ) const { return lookahead_limit; }

        inline unsigned long get_history_buffer_size (
        ) const { return history_size; }

        inline unsigned long get_lookahead_buffer_size (
        ) const { return lookahead_size; }

        inline unsigned char lookahead_buffer (
            unsigned long index
        ) const { return buffer[lookahead_limit-1-index]; }

        inline unsigned char history_buffer (
            unsigned long index
        ) const { return buffer[lookahead_limit+index]; }

        inline void shift_buffers (
            unsigned long N
        ) { shift_buffer(N); }


        inline unsigned long hash (
            unsigned char a,
            unsigned char b,
            unsigned char c,
            unsigned char d
        ) const
                - returns a hash of the 4 arguments and the hash is in the range
            unsigned long B = b << 3;
            unsigned long C = c << 6;
            unsigned long D = d << 9;

            unsigned long temp = a + B;
            temp += C;
            temp += D;

            return (temp&mask); /**/

        void shift_buffer (
            unsigned long N
                - N <= lookahead_size
                - #lookahead_size == lookahead_size - N
                - if (history_size+N < history_limit) then
                    - #history_size == history_size+N
                - else
                    - #history_size == history_limit
                - for all i where 0 <= i < N:
                  #history_buffer(N-1-i) == lookahead_buffer(i)
                - for all i where 0 <= i < #history_size-N:
                  #history_buffer(N+i) == history_buffer(i)
                - for all i where 0 <= i < #lookahead_size
                  #lookahead_buffer(i) == lookahead_buffer(N+i)                

        // member data        
        sliding_buffer buffer;
        unsigned long lookahead_limit;
        unsigned long history_limit;

        struct node
            unsigned long id;
            node* next;
        node** hash_table;
        node* nodes;
        node** id_table;
        unsigned long next_free_node;
        unsigned long mask;

        unsigned long lookahead_size;
        unsigned long history_size;

        // restricted functions
        lz77_buffer_kernel_2(lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>&);        // copy constructor
        lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>& operator=(lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>&);    // assignment operator

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // member function definitions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    lz77_buffer_kernel_2 (
        unsigned long total_limit_,
        unsigned long lookahead_limit_  
    ) :        
        lookahead_limit = lookahead_limit_;
        history_limit = buffer.size() - lookahead_limit_;

        nodes = new node[history_limit-3];

        try { id_table = new node*[buffer.size()]; }
        catch (...) { delete [] nodes; throw; }

        try { hash_table = new node*[buffer.size()]; }
        catch (...) { delete [] id_table; delete [] nodes; throw; }

        mask = buffer.size()-1;
        next_free_node = 0;

        node** start = hash_table;
        node** end = hash_table + buffer.size();
        while (start != end)
            *start = 0;

        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < buffer.size(); ++i)
            buffer[i] = 0;


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    ~lz77_buffer_kernel_2 (
        delete [] nodes;
        delete [] hash_table;
        delete [] id_table;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    void lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>::
        lookahead_size = 0;
        history_size = 0;
        next_free_node = 0;

        node** start = hash_table;
        node** end = hash_table + buffer.size();
        while (start != end)
            *start = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    void lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>::
    shift_buffer (
        unsigned long N
        unsigned long old_history_size = history_size;
        unsigned long temp = history_size+N;    
        unsigned long new_nodes; // the number of nodes to pull from the nodes array
        unsigned long recycled_nodes; // the number of nodes to pull from hash_table
        lookahead_size -= N;
        if (temp <= history_limit)
            if (history_size <= 3)
                if ((3-history_size) >= N)
                    new_nodes = 0;
                    new_nodes = N - (3-history_size);
                new_nodes = N;
            recycled_nodes = 0;
            history_size = temp;
            if (history_size != history_limit)
                new_nodes = history_limit - history_size;
                recycled_nodes = temp - history_limit;
                history_size = history_limit;                
                new_nodes = 0;
                recycled_nodes = N;

        unsigned long i = lookahead_limit + 2;
        // if there are any "new" nodes to add to the hash table 
        if (new_nodes != 0)
            unsigned long stop = i - new_nodes;             
            for (; i > stop; --i)
                nodes[next_free_node].next = 0;
                nodes[next_free_node].id = buffer.get_element_id(i);
                id_table[nodes[next_free_node].id] = 0;

                unsigned long new_hash = hash(buffer[i],buffer[i-1],buffer[i-2],buffer[i-3]);

                if (hash_table[new_hash] != 0)
                    id_table[hash_table[new_hash]->id] = &nodes[next_free_node];
                nodes[next_free_node].next = hash_table[new_hash];
                hash_table[new_hash] = &nodes[next_free_node];

        } // if (new_nodes != 0)

        unsigned long stop = i - recycled_nodes;     
        unsigned long old = old_history_size-1+lookahead_limit;
        for (; i > stop; --i)
            // find the next node to recycle in hash_table
            node* recycled_node;
            unsigned long old_id = buffer.get_element_id(old);
            // find the node with id old_id  
            if (id_table[old_id] == 0)
                unsigned long old_hash = hash(buffer[old],buffer[old-1],buffer[old-2],buffer[old-3]);
                recycled_node = hash_table[old_hash];

                // fill the gap left by removing this node
                hash_table[old_hash] = recycled_node->next;
                recycled_node = id_table[old_id]->next;

                // fill the gap left by removing this node
                id_table[old_id]->next = recycled_node->next;


            recycled_node->next = 0;
            recycled_node->id = buffer.get_element_id(i);
            id_table[recycled_node->id] = 0;

            unsigned long new_hash = hash(buffer[i],buffer[i-1],buffer[i-2],buffer[i-3]);

            if (hash_table[new_hash] != 0) 
                id_table[hash_table[new_hash]->id] = recycled_node;

            recycled_node->next = hash_table[new_hash];
            hash_table[new_hash] = recycled_node;
        } // for (; i > stop; --i)


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    void lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>::
    add (
        unsigned char symbol
        if (lookahead_size == lookahead_limit)
        buffer[lookahead_limit-1-lookahead_size] = symbol;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    template <
        typename sliding_buffer
    void lz77_buffer_kernel_2<sliding_buffer>::
    find_match (
        unsigned long& index,
        unsigned long& length,
        unsigned long min_match_length
        unsigned long match_length = 0;   // the length of the longest match we find
        unsigned long match_index = 0;    // the index of the longest match we find

        const unsigned long hash_value = hash(lookahead_buffer(0),

        node* temp = hash_table[hash_value];
        while (temp != 0)
            // current position in the history buffer
            unsigned long hpos = buffer.get_element_index(temp->id)-lookahead_limit;  
            // current position in the lookahead buffer
            unsigned long lpos = 0;             

            // find length of this match
            while (history_buffer(hpos) == lookahead_buffer(lpos))
                if (hpos == 0)
                if (lpos == lookahead_size)

            if (lpos > match_length)
                match_length = lpos;
                match_index = buffer.get_element_index(temp->id)-lookahead_limit;
                // if this is the longest possible match then stop looking
                if (lpos == lookahead_limit)

            temp = temp->next;
        } // while (temp != 0)

        // if we found a match that was long enough then report it
        if (match_length >= min_match_length)
            index = match_index;
            length = match_length;
            length = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#endif // DLIB_LZ77_BUFFER_KERNEl_2_