// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_SERVER_HTTP_CPp_ #define DLIB_SERVER_HTTP_CPp_ #include "server_http.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace http_impl { inline unsigned char to_hex( unsigned char x ) { return x + (x > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0'); } const std::string urlencode( const std::string& s ) { std::ostringstream os; for ( std::string::const_iterator ci = s.begin(); ci != s.end(); ++ci ) { if ( (*ci >= 'a' && *ci <= 'z') || (*ci >= 'A' && *ci <= 'Z') || (*ci >= '0' && *ci <= '9') ) { // allowed os << *ci; } else if ( *ci == ' ') { os << '+'; } else { os << '%' << to_hex(*ci >> 4) << to_hex(*ci % 16); } } return os.str(); } inline unsigned char from_hex ( unsigned char ch ) { if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') ch -= '0'; else if (ch <= 'f' && ch >= 'a') ch -= 'a' - 10; else if (ch <= 'F' && ch >= 'A') ch -= 'A' - 10; else ch = 0; return ch; } const std::string urldecode ( const std::string& str ) { using namespace std; string result; string::size_type i; for (i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { if (str[i] == '+') { result += ' '; } else if (str[i] == '%' && str.size() > i+2) { const unsigned char ch1 = from_hex(str[i+1]); const unsigned char ch2 = from_hex(str[i+2]); const unsigned char ch = (ch1 << 4) | ch2; result += ch; i += 2; } else { result += str[i]; } } return result; } void parse_url( std::string word, key_value_map& queries ) /*! Parses the query string of a URL. word should be the stuff that comes after the ? in the query URL. !*/ { std::string::size_type pos; for (pos = 0; pos < word.size(); ++pos) { if (word[pos] == '&') word[pos] = ' '; } std::istringstream sin(word); sin >> word; while (sin) { pos = word.find_first_of("="); if (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string key = urldecode(word.substr(0,pos)); std::string value = urldecode(word.substr(pos+1)); queries[key] = value; } sin >> word; } } void read_with_limit( std::istream& in, std::string& buffer, int delim = '\n' ) { using namespace std; const size_t max = 64*1024; buffer.clear(); buffer.reserve(300); while (in.peek() != delim && in.peek() != '\n' && in.peek() != EOF && buffer.size() < max) { buffer += (char)in.get(); } // if we quit the loop because the data is longer than expected or we hit EOF if (in.peek() == EOF) throw http_parse_error("HTTP field from client terminated incorrectly", 414); if (buffer.size() == max) throw http_parse_error("HTTP field from client is too long", 414); in.get(); // eat any remaining whitespace if (delim == ' ') { while (in.peek() == ' ') in.get(); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long parse_http_request ( std::istream& in, incoming_things& incoming, unsigned long max_content_length ) { using namespace std; using namespace http_impl; read_with_limit(in, incoming.request_type, ' '); // get the path read_with_limit(in, incoming.path, ' '); // Get the HTTP/1.1 - Ignore for now... read_with_limit(in, incoming.protocol); key_value_map_ci& incoming_headers = incoming.headers; key_value_map& cookies = incoming.cookies; std::string& path = incoming.path; std::string& content_type = incoming.content_type; unsigned long content_length = 0; string line; read_with_limit(in, line); string first_part_of_header; string::size_type position_of_double_point; // now loop over all the incoming_headers while (line != "\r") { position_of_double_point = line.find_first_of(':'); if ( position_of_double_point != string::npos ) { first_part_of_header = dlib::trim(line.substr(0, position_of_double_point)); if ( !incoming_headers[first_part_of_header].empty() ) incoming_headers[ first_part_of_header ] += " "; incoming_headers[first_part_of_header] += dlib::trim(line.substr(position_of_double_point+1)); // look for Content-Type: if (line.size() > 14 && strings_equal_ignore_case(line, "Content-Type:", 13)) { content_type = line.substr(14); if (content_type[content_type.size()-1] == '\r') content_type.erase(content_type.size()-1); } // look for Content-Length: else if (line.size() > 16 && strings_equal_ignore_case(line, "Content-Length:", 15)) { istringstream sin(line.substr(16)); sin >> content_length; if (!sin) { throw http_parse_error("Invalid Content-Length of '" + line.substr(16) + "'", 411); } if (content_length > max_content_length) { std::ostringstream sout; sout << "Content-Length of post back is too large. It must be less than " << max_content_length; throw http_parse_error(sout.str(), 413); } } // look for any cookies else if (line.size() > 6 && strings_equal_ignore_case(line, "Cookie:", 7)) { string::size_type pos = 6; string key, value; bool seen_key_start = false; bool seen_equal_sign = false; while (pos + 1 < line.size()) { ++pos; // ignore whitespace between cookies if (!seen_key_start && line[pos] == ' ') continue; seen_key_start = true; if (!seen_equal_sign) { if (line[pos] == '=') { seen_equal_sign = true; } else { key += line[pos]; } } else { if (line[pos] == ';') { cookies[urldecode(key)] = urldecode(value); seen_equal_sign = false; seen_key_start = false; key.clear(); value.clear(); } else { value += line[pos]; } } } if (key.size() > 0) { cookies[urldecode(key)] = urldecode(value); key.clear(); value.clear(); } } } // no ':' in it! read_with_limit(in, line); } // while (line != "\r") // If there is data being posted back to us as a query string then // pick out the queries using parse_url. if ((strings_equal_ignore_case(incoming.request_type, "POST") || strings_equal_ignore_case(incoming.request_type, "PUT")) && strings_equal_ignore_case(left_substr(content_type,";"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { if (content_length > 0) { incoming.body.resize(content_length); in.read(&incoming.body[0],content_length); } parse_url(incoming.body, incoming.queries); } string::size_type pos = path.find_first_of("?"); if (pos != string::npos) { parse_url(path.substr(pos+1), incoming.queries); } if (!in) throw http_parse_error("Error parsing HTTP request", 500); return content_length; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void read_body ( std::istream& in, incoming_things& incoming ) { // if the body hasn't already been loaded and there is data to load if (incoming.body.size() == 0 && incoming.headers.count("Content-Length") != 0) { const unsigned long content_length = string_cast<unsigned long>(incoming.headers["Content-Length"]); incoming.body.resize(content_length); if (content_length > 0) { in.read(&incoming.body[0],content_length); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void write_http_response ( std::ostream& out, outgoing_things outgoing, const std::string& result ) { using namespace http_impl; key_value_map& new_cookies = outgoing.cookies; key_value_map_ci& response_headers = outgoing.headers; // only send this header if the user hasn't told us to send another kind bool has_content_type = false, has_location = false; for(key_value_map_ci::const_iterator ci = response_headers.begin(); ci != response_headers.end(); ++ci ) { if ( !has_content_type && strings_equal_ignore_case(ci->first , "content-type") ) { has_content_type = true; } else if ( !has_location && strings_equal_ignore_case(ci->first , "location") ) { has_location = true; } } if ( has_location ) { outgoing.http_return = 302; } if ( !has_content_type ) { response_headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html"; } response_headers["Content-Length"] = cast_to_string(result.size()); out << "HTTP/1.0 " << outgoing.http_return << " " << outgoing.http_return_status << "\r\n"; // Set any new headers for(key_value_map_ci::const_iterator ci = response_headers.begin(); ci != response_headers.end(); ++ci ) { out << ci->first << ": " << ci->second << "\r\n"; } // set any cookies for(key_value_map::const_iterator ci = new_cookies.begin(); ci != new_cookies.end(); ++ci ) { out << "Set-Cookie: " << urlencode(ci->first) << '=' << urlencode(ci->second) << "\r\n"; } out << "\r\n" << result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void write_http_response ( std::ostream& out, const http_parse_error& e ) { outgoing_things outgoing; outgoing.http_return = e.http_error_code; outgoing.http_return_status = e.what(); write_http_response(out, outgoing, std::string("Error processing request: ") + e.what()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void write_http_response ( std::ostream& out, const std::exception& e ) { outgoing_things outgoing; outgoing.http_return = 500; outgoing.http_return_status = e.what(); write_http_response(out, outgoing, std::string("Error processing request: ") + e.what()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const logger server_http::dlog("dlib.server_http"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_SERVER_HTTP_CPp_