// Copyright (C) 2009  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#include "../tester.h"
#include <dlib/matrix.h>

#error "BLAS bindings must be used for this test to make any sense"

namespace dlib
    namespace blas_bindings
        // This is a little screwy.  This function is used inside the BLAS
        // bindings to count how many times each of the BLAS functions get called.
        int& counter_axpy() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }
        int& counter_scal() { static int counter = 0; return counter; }


    using namespace test;
    using namespace std;
    // Declare the logger we will use in this test.  The name of the logger 
    // should start with "test."
    dlib::logger dlog("test.scal_axpy");

    class blas_bindings_scal_axpy_tester : public tester
        blas_bindings_scal_axpy_tester (
        ) :
            tester (
                "test_scal_axpy", // the command line argument name for this test
                "Run tests for DOT routines.", // the command line argument description
                0                     // the number of command line arguments for this test

        template <typename matrix_type, typename cv_type, typename rv_type>
        void test_scal_axpy_stuff(
            matrix_type& m,
            rv_type& rv,
            cv_type& cv
        ) const
            using namespace dlib;
            using namespace dlib::blas_bindings;

            rv_type rv2 = rv;
            cv_type cv2 = cv;
            matrix_type m2 = m;
            typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type;
            scalar_type val;

            counter_scal() = 0;
            m = 5*m;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);

            counter_scal() = 0;
            rv = 5*rv;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);

            counter_scal() = 0;
            rv = 5*rv;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            m2 += 5*m;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            rv2 += 5*rv;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            rv2 += 5*rv;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_scal() = 0;
            m = m*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);

            counter_scal() = 0;
            rv = rv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);

            counter_scal() = 0;
            cv = cv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_scal() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            m2 += m*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            rv2 += rv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            cv2 += cv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            m2 = m2 + m*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            rv2 = rv2 + rv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            cv2 = cv2 + cv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            cv2 = 1;
            cv = 1;
            cv2 = 2*cv2 + cv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
            DLIB_TEST(max(abs(cv2 - 7)) == 0);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            rv2 = 1;
            rv = 1;
            rv2 = 2*rv2 + rv*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
            DLIB_TEST(max(abs(rv2 - 7)) == 0);

            counter_axpy() = 0;
            m2 = 1;
            m = 1;
            m2 = 2*m2 + m*5;
            DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);
            DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);

            if (is_same_type<typename matrix_type::layout_type, row_major_layout>::value)
                counter_axpy() = 0;
                m2 = 1;
                m = 1;
                set_ptrm(&m2(0,0),m2.nr(),m2.nc()) = 2*m2 + m*5;
                DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
                DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

                counter_axpy() = 0;
                m2 = 1;
                m = 1;
                set_ptrm(&m2(0,0),m2.nr(),m2.nc()) = 2*mat(&m2(0,0),m2.nr(),m2.nc()) + mat(&m(0,0),m.nr(),m.nc())*5;
                DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
                DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);

                counter_axpy() = 0;
                m2 = 1;
                m = 1;
                m2 = 2*mat(&m2(0,0),m2.nr(),m2.nc()) + mat(&m(0,0),m.nr(),m.nc())*5;
                DLIB_TEST(max(abs(m2 - 7)) == 0);
                DLIB_TEST(counter_axpy() == 1);


        void perform_test (
            using namespace dlib;
            typedef dlib::memory_manager<char>::kernel_1a mm;

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double";
                matrix<double> m = randm(4,4);
                matrix<double,1,0> rv = randm(1,4);
                matrix<double,0,1> cv = randm(4,1);

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float";
                matrix<float> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
                matrix<float,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
                matrix<float,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>";
                matrix<complex<double> > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
                matrix<complex<double>,1,0> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
                matrix<complex<double>,0,1> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>";
                matrix<complex<float> > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
                matrix<complex<float>,1,0> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
                matrix<complex<float>,0,1> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test double, column major";
                matrix<double,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = randm(4,4);
                matrix<double,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = randm(1,4);
                matrix<double,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = randm(4,1);

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test float, column major";
                matrix<float,0,0,mm,column_major_layout> m = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,4));
                matrix<float,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(1,4));
                matrix<float,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<float>(randm(4,1));

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<double>, column major";
                matrix<complex<double>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4));
                matrix<complex<double>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4));
                matrix<complex<double>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1));

            dlog << dlib::LINFO << "test complex<float>, column major";
                matrix<complex<float>,0,0,mm,column_major_layout > m = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,4), randm(4,4)));
                matrix<complex<float>,1,0,mm,column_major_layout> rv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(1,4), randm(1,4)));
                matrix<complex<float>,0,1,mm,column_major_layout> cv = matrix_cast<complex<float> >(complex_matrix(randm(4,1), randm(4,1)));


    blas_bindings_scal_axpy_tester a;
