// Copyright (C) 2003  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

// this file should be included at the bottom of one of the thread kernel headers for a 
// specific platform.
//#include "../threads.h"
#include "auto_mutex_extension.h"
#include "../binary_search_tree.h"
#include "../member_function_pointer.h"
#include "../memory_manager.h"
#include "../queue.h"
#include "../set.h"
#include "../test_for_odr_violations.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    namespace threads_kernel_shared
        void thread_starter (

        class threader
                INITIAL VALUE
                    - pool_count == 0 and
                    - data_ready is associated with the mutex data_mutex 
                    - data_empty is associated with the mutex data_mutex
                    - destructed is associated with the mutex data_mutex
                    - destruct == false
                    - total_count == 0
                    - function_pointer == 0
                    - do_not_ever_destruct == false

                    - data_ready is associated with the mutex data_mutex 
                    - data_empty is associated with the mutex data_mutex 
                    - data_ready == a signaler used signal when there is new data waiting 
                      to start a thread with.
                    - data_empty == a signaler used to signal when the data is now empty 
                    - pool_count == the number of suspended threads in the thread pool 
                    - total_count == the number of threads that are executing anywhere.  i.e.
                      pool_count + the ones that are currently running some user function.
                    - if (function_pointer != 0) then
                        - parameter == a void pointer pointing to the parameter which 
                          should be used to start the next thread 
                        - function_pointer == a pointer to the next function to make a 
                          new thread with

                    - if (the destructor is running) then
                        - destruct == true
                    - else
                        - destruct == false

                    - thread_ids is locked by the data_mutex
                    - thread_ids == a set that contains the thread id for each thread spawned by this

            threader (
            ~threader (

            void destruct_if_ready (
                    - if (there are no threads currently running and we haven't set do_not_ever_destruct) then
                        - calls delete this
                    - else
                        - does nothing

            bool create_new_thread (
                void (*funct)(void*),
                void* param

            template <
                typename T
            void unregister_thread_end_handler (
                T& obj,
                void (T::*handler)()
                member_function_pointer<> mfp, junk_mfp;

                thread_id_type junk_id;

                // find any member function pointers in the registry that point to the same
                // thing as mfp and remove them
                auto_mutex M(reg.m);
                while (reg.reg.move_next())
                    while (reg.reg.current_element_valid() && reg.reg.element().value() == mfp)
                        reg.reg.remove_current_element(junk_id, junk_mfp);

            template <
                typename T
            void register_thread_end_handler (
                T& obj,
                void (T::*handler)()
                thread_id_type id = get_thread_id();
                member_function_pointer<> mfp;

                auto_mutex M(reg.m);

            bool is_dlib_thread (
                thread_id_type id


            friend void thread_starter (

            void call_end_handlers (
                    - calls the registered end handlers for the calling thread and
                      then removes them from reg.reg

            // private data
            set<thread_id_type,memory_manager<char>::kernel_2b>::kernel_1b_c thread_ids;
            unsigned long total_count;
            void* parameter;
            void (*function_pointer)(void*);
            unsigned long pool_count;
            mutex data_mutex;           // mutex to protect the above data
            signaler data_ready;        // signaler to signal when there is new data
            signaler data_empty;        // signaler to signal when the data is empty
            bool destruct;
            signaler destructed;        // signaler to signal when a thread has ended 
            bool do_not_ever_destruct;

            struct registry_type
                mutex m;
                    >::kernel_2a_c reg;

            // stuff for the register_thread_end_handler 
            registry_type reg;

            // restricted functions
            threader(threader&);        // copy constructor
            threader& operator=(threader&);    // assignement opertor


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        threader& thread_pool (
                - returns a reference to the global threader object

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        extern bool thread_pool_has_been_destroyed;

    bool is_dlib_thread (
        thread_id_type id 

    bool is_dlib_thread (

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    inline bool create_new_thread (
        void (*funct)(void*),
        void* param
            // now make this thread
            return threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool().create_new_thread(funct,param);
        catch (std::bad_alloc&)
            return false;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    inline void register_thread_end_handler (
        T& obj,
        void (T::*handler)()
               "\tvoid register_thread_end_handler"
            << "\n\tYou can't register a thread end handler for a thread dlib didn't spawn."


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    template <
        typename T
    inline void unregister_thread_end_handler (
        T& obj,
        void (T::*handler)()
        // Check if the thread pool has been destroyed and if it has then don't do anything.
        // This bool here is always true except when the program has started to terminate and
        // the thread pool object has been destroyed.  This if is here to catch other global
        // objects that have destructors that try to call unregister_thread_end_handler().  
        // Without this check we get into trouble if the thread pool is destroyed before these
        // objects.
        if (threads_kernel_shared::thread_pool_has_been_destroyed == false)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include "threads_kernel_shared.cpp"